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Thanks to all who participated in the Queensland Amateur Brewing Championship.

There were 374 entries judged and 138 registered participants, judges, and stewards.

Best of Show Winners

Best of Show winner(s) have not been posted yet. Please check back later.

Champion Beer

Champion Brewer (105 Participating Brewers)

1stScott Eckford3009.03
2ndMike Chamberlain1116.03 Brisbane Brewers Club (BBC)
Rowan Page1116.03 Tuns of Anarchy

Scores and tie-breakers have been applied in accordance with the scoring methodology. Numbers reflected are rounded to the hundredth place. Hover over or tap the question mark icon () for the actual calculated value.

Champion Club (13 Participating Clubs)

1stTuns of Anarchy86945.23
2ndBrisbane Amateur Beer Brewers (BABBs)33217.08
4thBrisbane Brewers Club (BBC)12512.08
5thIpswich Brewers Union (IBU)1014.02
6thGladstone Home Brewers Guild0102.01

Scores and tie-breakers have been applied in accordance with the scoring methodology. Numbers reflected are rounded to the hundredth place. Hover over or tap the question mark icon () for the actual calculated value.

Winning Entries

Category 1: Low Alcohol 15 entries

Category 2: Pale Lager 41 entries

Category 3: Amber and Dark Lager 27 entries

Category 4: Pale Ale 18 entries

Category 5: American Pale Ale 18 entries

Category 6: IPA 10 entries

Category 7: Specialty IPA 21 entries

Category 8: Amber Ale 17 entries

Category 9: Brown Ale 15 entries

Category 10: Porter 15 entries

Category 11: Stout 16 entries

Category 12: Strong Stout 22 entries

Category 13: Wheat and Rye Beer 10 entries

Category 14: Belgian Ale 38 entries

Category 15: Strong Ale and Lager 4 entries

Category 16: Sour and Wild Ale 32 entries

Category 17: Fruit and Spice Beer 17 entries

Category 18: Specialty Beer 23 entries

Category 19: Mead 10 entries

Category 20: Cider and Perry 5 entries